Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tues., Feb. 27

Dear Parents,

Social Media is a hot topic of discussion the last few days. The problems being discussed are not limited to any school, town or community. Chief of Police, John Brittingham sent a message on Facebook. I have asked permission to pass on his message. Please read and share this information with your children. It takes all of us working together to help our children. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

God's blessings to you,
Deitt Schneider

Message from Chief of Police, John Brittingham;

We have to get a handle on kids and their cell phones. There was a time kids could get away from bullies by going home. These days kids can't get away. Their phones and social media are being used to harass, intimidate, and just plain bully each other while in and out of school. So, please parents check your child's phone and make sure they are not engaged in conduct that is meant to hurt or bully another child. This is a growing issue that needs to be addressed and it starts at home first, before it becomes an issue for the school or the police department. It also doesn't hurt to shut the phone off for a while and have some personal interaction time with your child and find out what's bothering them, discuss the dangers of these phones and social media. Talk to them about On-line predators, receiving and distributing inappropriate photos and videos, harassment by electronic means, etc.

Thank you for taking time to read this message.

English: we made a t-chart and web of reasons and details of opinion topics
Reading: chap. 19-23wkst.
Handwriting: L. 23 D. 2
Spelling: p. 156-158 due Wed. & proofreading due Thurs.
Social Studies: wrbk. p. 76
Science: ws 58-59
Health: ws 62 & 95

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